Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

In the week 4 workshop we looked at the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator and the concept behind this.

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), is used to help individuals understand their own communication preference and how they interact with others. Having an understanding of what MBTI is can help you to adapt your interpersonal approach to different situations and audiences.

Common Uses for MBTI include:

  • Developing yourself
  • Working with teams
  • Understanding stress reactions
  • Career Development
  • Problem Solving

MBTI looks at an individual’s preference not their capability. The purpose of MBTI is to raise awareness of your own preference and recognise where the other styles could add value.  MBTI uses four scales to talk about preference, each with two opposing preferences. These are called the four dimensions of type.

(Imperial College London)

My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Results

As part of the workshop we were required to do our own MBTI test, we used a free equivalent to the MBTI – who offer a free Personality test.

We were required to answer a set of questions as honestly as possible to learn how our personality type influences many areas of our life – answering each question how  much you strongly agree or disagree with the statement. The test categorised myself as a logistician.

Strengths of a Logistician

  1. Honest and Direct
  2. Strong Willed and Dutiful
  3. Very Responsible
  4. Calm and Practical
  5. Jack of all traders

Weakness of a Logistician

  1. Stubborn
  2. Insensitive
  3. Always by the book
  4. Often unreasonably blame themselves

Logisticians you may know:


Having reviewed my results, I would say that this is a very accurate reflection of my personality type. Logisticians are known for their reliability and hard work and driven by creating and maintaining a secure stable environment for themselves and their loved ones.  I may decide to revisit this test in a few months time, to see how my personality type has changed.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have found my own experiences interesting and how I have related these subjects to my job role. Please leave a comment, I would love to get your thoughts.


The Myers & Briggs Foundation – MBTI® Basics. [online] Available at: (Accessed: 11th February 2022)

NERIS Analytics Limited (2013). Logistician Personality: Introduction. [online] 16Personalities. Available at: (Accessed: 11th February 2022) (Accessed: 11th February 2022)

5 thoughts on “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

  1. Hi Ben. The workshop in week 4 was really insightful and from reading your post you’ve broken this down well into digestible amounts to understand and the graphics used really enforce what you have blogged. Nice conclusion at the end of the post to round it off. I look forward to the next post.

    Like yourself I’m also a Logistician and the results were scarily accurate for myself too.


  2. Hi Ben. I really enjoyed reading this blog and finding out about your personality type. After the workshop, I made my friends take the test and one of them is also a logistician! I would love to know how you think your personality type links to your job role and what key traits does your personality type have that you believe helps you at work? Great post!


  3. Hi Ben,
    Great post! Excellent use of bullet points and images to make your blog easy for the reader to understand. The workshop where we discovered our personality types was really interesting. It would be great to find out how exactly your personality type impacts your job role and if it works to your advantage?. Also, do you think your target audience’s personality type impacts how they behave as a buyer? I look forward to reading your next blog.


  4. Great Blog Ben! The use of diagrams, not only displays a thorough understanding of the topic, but also shows you acknowledged the audience, as the blog is highly engaging throughout. It would be great to include a paragraph on how and why, as digital marketers, we would use this. Apart from that, Well done Ben!


  5. Great Blog Ben! Finding out your own personality type was very intriguing and was a great comparison for me as I’m very different to yourself! I’d love to know your thoughts on why it’s important that marketing teams have a variety of individual character types in relation to benefiting the consumer? Josh


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